Dr. Manal Shehabi

Research Fellow - Oxford Institute for Energy Studies .

Dr. Manal Shehabi is a Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (OIES). Before that, she was an OIES Visiting Research Fellow and a researcher at the University of Western Australia, where she also taught introductory and advanced undergraduate courses in economics. Her research encompasses development, applied macroeconomics, energy, political economy, and resource-dependent economies focusing on the Middle East. Her doctoral research focused on petrostates’ economic policy and performance, focusing on contemporary Kuwait. It had important contributions to the analysis of economic adjustments to the recent declines in oil prices, offering a unique and powerful mathematical model of Kuwait’s economy and earning her invitations to join key policy debates. Her publications address expatriate labor and Kuwaitization dynamics, and impacts of subsidy and competition reform on Kuwait’s economy. Besides academia, she has professional experience as an economic consultant, advising multinationals including Fortune 500 and energy companies on transfer pricing arrangements and audits, and modeling costs allocation mechanisms and intangible property valuation. She also successfully launched and managed a business public policy project and researched investments in West Asian hydrocarbons at the UNCTAD. She holds a doctorate in economics from the University of Western Australia, an MIA-Economics from Texas A&M University, and a BA (Honors) magna cum laude in economics and international relations from Ursinus College. A polyglot, her language capabilities include Arabic, English, French, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese.

About Workshops

Useful Information

  • December 31, 2023 : Deadline to apply as a paper presenter
  • May 31, 2024 : Deadline paper submission
  • July 9 - 11, 2024: Gulf Research Meeting (GRM)
  • Note there is no deadline to register as a listening participant. However, seats are limited in each workshop and registration for non-paper presenters will be allowed on a space available basis.

GRM 2020


A workshop is embedded into a conference; it doesn’t take place on its own, but it takes place during the main conference.

GRM Workshops

See the


Each workshop has its individual agenda, which run concurrently alongside the main conference programme.


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